My opinion has finally changed. Lets first discus the three leaders.
Gordon Brown, looks like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle, has one good eye and one glass. That shouldn’t be held against him, I am aware of that but lets be honest. Does he look trustworthy? Does he look like a leader of a nation? If this man invented the cure for cancer I think people would just shrug their shoulders and say ‘whatever’. He stands there at every speech clasping his hands together with one thumb balanced over the other. It is a body language trick that is supposed to portray openness and honesty. He manages to assume this position and look a twat. He was never even elected to be the PM. Surely if one stands down that should automatically instigate an election rather than a pass the job on to your mate. Can you think of another highly paid job anywhere in society where you could be given the job by a mate rather than at last have an interview.
Then we have David Cameron, he looks like a podgy faced lipless, inbred who wouldn’t be out of place with an SS uniform on. Next time you see his picture, draw a Hitler moustache on him, say no more.
He pretends he is one of the people. This man is part of the upper class society circles. He went to school with Boris Johnson. He attended Eton. He is interested in one thing and one thing alone, Power. If you believe a word this man says then you need help.
Then there is the other one; I can’t even remember his name.
The conservatives complain about Europe, who took us in. Answer, the Tories. In all the years we had Thatcher the milk snatcher, did they ever take us out. Answer, no. But as soon as they were in opposition they complain and moan about labour keeping us there. If they get back in, will they take us out? Answer, No.

We work hard, we save money in a retirement fund to try and secure a half decent old age. What does the govt do, tax our pension. The labour party who had the chance to continue the good work done in the first few years of their stint. The labour party, who could have kept in power for many decades in my opinion, blew it for one reason. Power. They proved to be just the same as the Tories before them. Give them to much power for too long and they think they are above the law. To a degree, they are. Labour MP’s have been recorded offering their services for five grand a day admitting they can change the law. Exactly what the Tories were doing before them. The sleaze from the lot of them is beyond a joke. They wonder why less and less people vote. Are they that stupid? Does anyone respect a serving politician any longer? And you do not want me to get onto conspiracy theories. Do you have any idea how many people in authority who opposed the Iraq war have died suddenly, including MPs. The answer is many.
I can say with more honesty than any serving politician could manage, that I would be more than happy if everyone refused to vote. The politicians and the politically motivated papers tell us there would be meltdown. Utter rubbish. If no person voted then they would all have to sit down together and work democratically to sort out the issue. Knowing just how corrupt every single one of them is, I have a huge moral dilemma in voting for any one of them. However they know and realise that we are a herding animal, we are sheep. We complain and moan about our lot but what do we ever do about it. We take it on the chin and allow them to continue.

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